Lost Dutchman Days Parade and Poker Run

Lost Dutchman Days Parade

We will be meeting at 7:30 or earlier in the parking lot on the northeast corner of Idaho Rd. and Superstition Boulevard. 1001 N. Idaho Rd. Apache Junction. By the gazebo, donuts provided.  At 7:35 we will drive south on Idaho Rd. to Apache Trail and go west to our parade staging area. We must Read More ...

Arizona Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Show

Apache Junction Rodeo Grounds 1590 E Lost Dutchman Blvd, Apache Junction, United States

We will need to be set up by 9AM at the latest in a line at the south side of the rodeo grounds.  Ken says he plans on being there around 8 AM. It will be a pot luck with the club providing Brats and Burgers, drinks paper goods and utensils.  There will be portable Read More ...